I hear often of quotes along the lines of "we want to be part of the outcome, not part of the process." That's in human nature AND social paradigms. We see people shortcutting the system all the time and feel we should also get a piece. There is a huge cognitive dissonance (much like all aspects of life), in that we know hard work and consistency gets us to true rewards and internalised, self-actualised learnings... But we feel like we cannot love that process. Is it perhaps because we have not truly accomplished something that we truly believe is amazing as a result of hard work and consistency?
It's a byproduct of human nature and social paradigms that humans want to blame someone or something. It's our way to not only feel better but to also logically tell ourselves that we are not at fault and our circumstances cannot be changed. It is beyond us, we may think. It's beyond our control and maybe that will help us sleep at night.
Here, I think an important lesson to understand is "fighting FOR" or "fighting AGAINST". This sounds like a primary school debating class but I mean it in the following way... Do we fight for what we truly believe in or do we fight to find reasons to stop doing what must be done. I play devil's advocate and thought about a salmon swimming against the current to reach the top of a river. It's fighting against the river, that seems inefficient? But the salmon is fighting against the current FOR its instinctive purpose, to reproduce/find a place to reproduce. Do we know why we fight? Do we know why we want such an outcome? Maybe our passion and purpose is not strong enough because we do not know what the outcome we truly want is.
Nonetheless, I have faith that even though I don't know all the answers, it's the VOID of answers that makes the search for the answer more meaningful. It is the darkness that makes the light shine brighter. We can't be brave without fear.