It takes a village to raise a child, I was reminded of this rather Daoist concept through doing some readings. I got to discuss this through coincidence and with the way life works, with a new friend.
To all the people who are struggling that I've interacted with, just this week. The stoic man who lost his father two years ago had his first panic attack when seeing his late father's hat in the boot of his car. The frantic people worried about the cost of people. The learner driver mindful and challenged to keep up with the speed of the other drivers on the road. We see a lot of personality emanating on the road!
It would be naive to not want any struggle in life. But it's beginning to seem more naive to think we can live alone, in our own circles of comfort. Despite the complicating nature of life within this millenium, we should see the simple humans we are as a global ecosystem. Noone has gotten to where they are, both good or bad, without one another indirectly or directly. For you that has learnt that "2+2=4", didn't you learn that somewhere? You didn't come to that understanding on your own most likely.
Humans are codependent, whether we like it or not. The progress and advancements of life today is because of the yesterday. Because fundamentally, as humans we trust and have faith in one another. Whether it be the logical principles of science or the esoteric mystical natures of spirituality or the divine glory of God, we have faith in something. We believe in something. Progress results because of faith in something but also because there is largely subconscious faith in humanity: that someone or some people out there are collaborating towards progress.
Go simple. The relationships we build: with a friend, with a partner, with a pet, with a family member... The basic pillars of a healthy relationship is that of cooperation. We need to learn to hold multiple truths and work together with our inherent differences. We hear this from such an early age, at least in our Australian education system.
How do we reach this to others? To the hurt and fallen people, to the new age of naivety amidst the cosmos of information? We should nurture curiosity, we should nurture the spirit to be brave, we should nurture the core essence of what it is to be human: to feel and live a meaningful life: to live amongst others.
For the only thing I can control: my own thoughts and subsequent actions... I remind myself, be the change you want to see in the world. It's hard to teach an unwilling person about cooperation. But I can show through example. It may plant a seed that can reach those peoples' subconscious and 'human' within. We have to keep giving more than we take.