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The Middle Path


Society often shows us outliers.. extreme “success”, extreme “poverty”. Nowadays I’m thankful that society shows more dialogue about realism where we take big falls in attempts for big jumps. We mistime our jumps, we fall into a pit way deeper than where we were. And society is slowly talking about how that is okay.

While roller coasters are fun and can teach us a lot about ourselves ( if we properly listen…) I’m starting to believe that the middle path for ourselves is healthiest. A stable heart rate where the oscillation peak and dip are not too far apart. Don’t overwork to eventually burn out. Find a sustainable pace. Don’t think too hard to find the answers to then lose motivation. Don’t go to the gym and train every single day, to then not go for months. Don’t be so worried for your children for they may push back. Don’t talk for too much, for you to be tired and not listen to others. Don’t always drive so you can’t take public transport. Don’t stress so much that you don’t know how to unwind without toxic activities. Don’t attach so much that you cannot detach. Don’t detach so much that you cannot attach. Overvalidate yourself and you will always need it. Undervalidate yourself and you will be unhappy.

Life is all about trade offs. Everything has a reciprocal/supplementary trade off. Be mindful of the consequences/reciprocation of your actions. Life is all connected through actions and consequences/impacts.

What is the middle path for you? It is your journey, your life.


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