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Trying 4-5am wake ups


I've come to understand you start your day plays a significant role in how you dictate your day's narrative to your mind and body.

If you wake up at 6:30 am to get to work at 8:30 am... Allowing 60 minutes to do what you need to do (mindful of those with kids!! Wow), allowing 45 minutes to commute and a sensible 15 minute leeway... That is still a tight fit and I begin to see that there are many variables which can spur your morning to be chaotic and rushed. I have argued to myself many times that this is the reality of life. But waking up early, pre-sunrise, to have moments to yourself to set your mind up in the most optimal way has a higher likeliness for a positive, productive flow on effect for the rest of the day. A quick workout, ice bath, cold shower, planning, introspection, meditation, the possibilities are endless.

If you start your day with learning and not rushing around, leaving no time or head space to learn (debatable), it seems more likely that your mind is framed right for the rest of the day. Entertaining the Devil's Advocate and playing a more chaotic scenario... You wake up at 4am, the kids are still asleep but happen to wake up at 5 and start hollering at each other, the dog has urinated on the floor and you step onto it, there is no breakfast, you need to fuel up the car... You still have far more time than the 60 minutes. You have more time to get your mind together before work starts and the first thing that happens when you get in, is a whole heap of things that need to be done.

Choices, priorities and sacrifices. This lifestyle demands that output done in the morning, not in the evening. Save the evening for input and down time. Interestingly, this was the primal way too.

Much more to be tried here.

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