The first step to ‘awakening’ from being delusional is to acknowledge that we have been, are and will always be ‘delusional’. I believe this is the HARDEST step. To begin this process of dissonance… requires a crap tonne of emotional rollercoasters, digging beyond the centre of your core. This is by no means a hyperbole. It takes A LOT and it is incredibly underrated. There will be hate, there will be denial in all forms of excuses. There will be everything. Looking back to even the earliest memories of your childhood. Why we are the way we are.
The second step is being forever curious/open minded. An acquaintance who is double my age and holding an executive position advised me… “always ask why.” If you don’t have an answer to the why, it’s time to think of one. If you don’t like the answer, change what you are doing.
The fourth step is to find a sustainable pace. I often keep talking about what is humanly possible. It is not humanly possible to understand the mechanics of yourself, society or anything in a short time. If you believe that is possible, you are either incredibly gifted or just lying to yourself. I often had and have problems of being too excited about new discoveries. I get so into it, I lose track of time and then I realise I am beginning to lose productivity. Finding a pace, not being excited at just about everything. But like all things in life, things are a trade off, things must be uncertain to become more certain. Delve into this excitement, become slowly accustomed and desensitised to new discoveries. Slow down. Slow down. And slow down. Take it as it comes. A good friend once told me, to get to the top of the mountain, you just need to keep trying. You will get there eventually. We all can. To detract a bit… for most people, we only need to get to the top of the mountain in one trail. We don’t need five? Focus on one path. And don’t forget about the way down. For anyone that’s ever hiked, getting up can be difficult but sometimes it is the downwards path that can be more difficult! So step 4.5 is patience. Read that again. Patience. Finding a way to unwind so you can wind up again. If you can be wound up forever… please be the world’s form of renewable energy source. At least for my house .-.
P.S. All the above can NOT be done without the fuel of resilience. This will be an entirely different topic but simply put (I’m getting bit tired as I write…) When you falter, and as we are human, we WILL falter… TRUE resilience is the only thing that will help you keep TRYING. Not ‘fake’ resilience, TRUE resilience. A WILLINGNESS to keep searching. Your will and your subsequent achievements (your attempts can also be an achievement… not just coming 1st) )whether tangible or intangible WILL NEVER BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU. Detach the bullsh** as well. We only have X amount of energy, don’t take on things that will only hinder you/distract you.